Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blog Post #11

What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?

An important note to take away from these videos is the importance of teaching your students to want to learn. In every video the teachers explain how to grab the attention of their students and how to begin each lesson. This is very important when it comes to making your students want to take part in the lesson. During the video "Back to the future" Brian Crosby would use small fun activities to create the bigger lesson to be learned. By doing this Crosby kept his students attention and gave them a reason to want to learn. Mr. Paul Anderson in the video "Blended Learning Cycle" used an acronym to get his students attention and keep the students focused on learning. Anderson used QUIVERS: QU-Questions, I-Investigation, V-Video, E-Elaboration, R-Review, S-Summary quiz. Mark Church in his video "Making Thinking Visible" allowed students to discuss topics in small group to get their ideas out and get them wanting to know more about the topic. "Super Digital Citizen" showed us how Sam Pane got the attention of his students and made them feel in control of the class to make them want to learn. Pane explained to his students that they were in charge of protecting themselves on the internet. The children loved the idea that they were the boss of something and by doing that the students were eager to learn more and complete the lesson. In Dean Shareski's video "Project-Based Learning" several teachers discuss how they will engage their students with PBL. In the video three different classes are combined to give the students more time and opportunity to learn. By having three teachers review your work and having peer reviews done it motivates the students to give their best in class. At Roosevelt elementary PBL is highly encouraged. In the video "Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program" teachers discuss the importance and the great results of PBL. These teachers discuss what they do to encourage the students in their learning and how to keep them curious to learn more. What can we learn from these videos? As a teacher, your goal should be to make every student want to learn and want to discover more. If we as teachers can not make the students motivated, who will?

Quote:Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try


  1. Please be sure to proofread before you publish! This was pretty brief, and I feel like you could have written a bit more about each video.

  2. Good post. I agree, teachers should be an active motivator for their students. Something else I took from the videos though was to give students the opportunity to exceed expectations. Many of these videos showcase the students coming up with the questions, and building on to the assignments more and more. The teachers are more so just supervising and offering guidance when needed. Be careful when proofing, and maybe add a little more detail, but otherwise good job!
