In this video I learned about important steps and information that need to be included in Project Based Learning. One very important thing I learned is keep your students interested. Make sure your topic is something that your students will want to learn about. Use topics that involve the community so the project is more personal with your students. I learned that to create a good project for your class you need to make sure your students are interested, make the project content driven, and involve your community.
2: Project Based Learning Part 2
In this video I learned that not all projects turn out the way you plan, but that is okay. To be a good educator you must work around obstacles every day.It could be parents, principals, and even your students that cause your plans to change. It is important to stay calm and find an alternate route to accomplish your goal. In this video I also learned that you should never limit or underestimate your students. Give your students options on projects and allow them to be creative. You will always be surprised by your students and how much they can create on their own.
3: iCurio
In this video I was informed about iCurio. iCurio is an online tool used for safely searching the internet. This is an educational tool that offers you information about your search in text, audio, and visual documents. This is a kid-friendly resources and is great for all grade levels. iCurio offers a storage option for searchers. This is great for students and teachers. It allows you to save items you may have searched or found and come back to them. This allows for people using the website to stay organized when doing research.
4:Discovery Education
In this video I was informed about Discovery Education. Discovery Education is a great resource to use in your classroom. This online tool is a search engine for informative videos. When describing it Anthony Capps said, "it brings text to life." This would be a wonderful tool to use in your classroom for all subjects.
5: The Anthony-Strange list of tips for teachers Part 1
This video gave me a list of helpful words of wisdom to follow as I become a teacher. The most important advice that I learned is to always be an active learner. As an educator you will learn something new every day. Never allow yourself to stop finding new information to better yourself and your students. Another piece of advice I learned about is to always be flexible. If something does not go your way, find a new way to give your students information. Always leave yourself room for mistakes and create plans that have back up lessons. Make a reflection of all of your lessons. Writing a reflection will help you to understand what you did right and wrong and how you can work to do it better the next time. Never stop having fun as a teacher. It is important to love your job and explore new ideas. Being a teacher is not an 8 hour job, it is an all day every day lifestyle.
6: Don't Teach Tech- Use it
In this video I learned that you should never teach your students how to use technology. Do not take time out of your lesson to teach your students how to use technology. Begin to incorporate a little technology into each lesson plan and allow your students to discover how to use technology for themselves. Students need to explore technology and learn to use in their own way. Expect mistakes and questions, but never underestimate what your students can do with technology.
7: Additional Thoughts About Lessons
In this video I learned about the process of creating a lesson from Anthony Capps. Year, Unit, Week, and Daily are the four components that make up a lesson. First, you must make sure that your lesson will accomplish standards that need to be met through out the year and make sure it fits into a written curriculum map to make sure all standards get covered. Second, you must create your unit. Your unit is your lesson or project that you will be using to meet your class standards. Make sure that your unit is meaningful, connected, and leads to starting your next lesson. Third, you create your plan to go with your week. You must make a break down of your unit and your goals that you need to be accomplished during the week. Lastly, your create your daily part of your lesson. This part is how you are going to deliver your lesson to the class. Once you complete all of these steps, you have created a lesson for your class.

Wonderful job!