I have heard many things about EDM 310. One being that EDM 310 will be the hardest class I will ever take. Every time I have mentioned taking the class I have heard a groan and a "good luck!" Although most things I heard were negative, I also had some positive words too. I was told as long as I did what I was supposed to and stayed ahead of the game I would be just fine.
2: What fears (if any) do you have about EDM310?
The three fears I have for EDM 310 are falling behind, peer evaluations, and self evaluations. I am afraid that I will become overwhelmed with school and begin to fall behind. Making a good grade in this class is very important to me. Peer evaluations and self evaluations also worrying me about grading. I am not good at saying that I did well on something. I always feel I could do better. I could end up with a grade I am not happy with because of myself. The same idea goes for peer evaluations. I am afraid my peers will not grade me correctly and cause me to have a grade I am not satisfied with.
3: Compare and contrast EDM310 with other courses you have taken in college or high school.
EDM310 is similar to other college courses that I have taken when it comes to deadlines and assigned meeting times. I feel that EDM310 has more differences than similarities. EDM310 requires us to learn on our own and teach ourselves, unlike other classes I have taken. No paper in or out! I have never taken a class that was paperless. Unlike most teachers, Dr. Strange gives great detailed instructions. I have never had a teacher be so specific with work.
4: What do you think will be the most difficult thing for you in EDM310?
For me, I believe that the workload for the class will be the most difficult thing in EDM310. I go to work and school and fear that the workload may become overwhelming for me.
5: What is the best way for you to address this "most difficult" aspect of EDM310?
I have already began to address this problem. I have scheduled study days and times for myself so that I have plenty of time to do my work. I have also requested off more at work so that I can have more time to focus on school because school comes first.
6: What questions do you still have about EDM310? What ideas do you have about how to address those questions?
Currently, I do not have any questions about EDM310. I do know that if I do find myself having questions, I can email Dr. Strange or go to the class blog.
This class is most definitely time consuming and as long as you stay organized and turn your work in on time you should do fine. You seem to be already on the right track with how you have already scheduled your study times. If you start feeling that you are falling behind I recommend that you get help from Dr. Strange or the lab assistants. You can do this just keep your head up!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Also, keep in mind if you have any pressing questions that you can always contact myself or any of the other lab assistants. We are here to help!