Sunday, October 12, 2014

C4T #2

In Jennifer Ferguson's blog "InfoWhelm and information fluency" Jenifer posted a video about how much digital output there is every year. It brings you the question of teaching your students. Do you teach them lifelong lessons? Do you teach them how to have fluent skills regarding technology? This video really makes you think about how you will use technology for your own students. I shared with Jenifer the questions that came to mind for me while watching this video and thanked her for sharing something so interesting and engaging.

screenshot from video

Jennifer Ferguson wrote a blog titled "The Learning Journey of Connected Coaching." In this blog, Jennifer wrote about the struggles she faced while going through connected coaching. Jennifer was very determined to complete her goal. Sometimes, she fell short of how much effort she wanted to put in but she never let anything get in her way. At the end of her blog, Jennifer wrote questions with her answers to show that she was qualified for connected coaching. I wrote to Jennifer explaining to her that I was inspired by her determination for her goal. Many people find it hard to choose work over life,but when you are in the education field it is important to make work your life. I hope that in my journey to become an educator, I can have the same determination as Jennifer.

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